User with Administrator, Administrator + Signer, or Power User role - is responsible for the activating or deactivating of ‘Auto-document save’ feature in GMO Sign.
Notes –
1. Login to your GMO Sign account and click on Users.
2. Search for username in which auto-document is to be enabled. Once found, click on Details icon.
3. Click on Edit button present in 'User Information' field.
4. Check the checkbox of Auto document save field to activate the option. Or, uncheck the checkbox to inactivate this. [Video Preview]
5. Click on Update button to reflect the account changes. And now, you will be navigated back to user registration page where Updated message displays.
6. To activate auto-document save, it is mandatory to go through the ‘email verification procedure'. And for this, ask the person to log into his or her GMO Sign account (whose username was mentioned at Step (2)).
7. Click on Yes and open your mail account.
8. Its time to click on the present URL and re-enter email id and password for successful completion of email verification. Ensure that the credentials at Step (6) and (8) should be same.
9. A process completion message appears to denote that the mail verification proceedings have been finished. Click on Home and begin with usage of auto-document save feature in GMO Sign.