Get to know about the upcoming or recent releases in GMO Sign. The releases posted in this article are of the March 2021 month. You can utilize latest features just after their official release date.
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Name Change Announcement (GMO Agree – GMO Sign)
From March 31, 2021, GMO Agree document signing solution has been officially titled as GMO Sign. The cost plan and internal features are same as the earlier ones; only the name and logo has been changed. As promised, we continued motivating the spread of a secure digital document signing solutions while spreading the importance of suitable use of e-contracts, which have already been implemented in Japan.
Auto-document Storage [View Requested Documents on Dashboard]
This new feature enables signers (having GMO Sign account) to directly view and sign document(s) that are present on their dashboard. Earlier, signing of documents was impossible without URL, but from now onwards, GMO Sign users do not have to wait for an email to receive a URL. They simply have to log into their account, view requested documents on dashboard, and straightaway enforce signature.
Activate Auto-document Storage for Existing Users
By default, auto-document storage feature is inactive for existing GMO Sign users and active for new users. Existing account holders will receive a notification page (just after account login) to decide for activation or deactivation of the same. If users choose NO, they have to contact to administrators to enable the checkbox. Once auto-document storage gets activated, existing users receive an authentication email. They have to authenticate themselves to utilize automatic document storage in their account.
Assistance Tip - If you clicked on NO and later you decides to use 'auto-documents save' option, contact to your administrators. Admins has the permission to reactivate auto-document saving functionality in other user role accounts. For help, visit article. |
'Documents Required' Field, Independent of Role
At the home screen, ‘signature request document’ (for signer role) and ‘latest documents’ (other than signers’ role) is eliminated. Irrespective of the role, this has been changed to Documents Required field for all GMO Sign tenant users. If auto-document storage feature is active, only a list of documents to be signed will be displayed here. Otherwise, 'there is no corresponding document' statement appears.
Also refer article. This helps in understanding variety of signature icon that might display on the dashboard of GMO Sign. |
Admins Not Responsible for New User Password
At the time of user registration, password setting field has been abolished in GMO Sign Admin account. Administrators have to register a new user with basic information only. Once a new user receives registration email, he or she have to click on received URL and create his or her own account password.
Seal Imprint Feature Applicable for Signer Role
Signer role users can register seal imprint in document signing workflow solution. Tenant holders have the right to archive their signature to sign documents without any delay. Moreover, this feature will be soon available for other role users of GMO Sign. As of now, the release is applicable for users having administrator or/and signer role.
Visit to learn how to use seal imprint feature in GMO Sign. |
Launch of Admin Panel in GMO Sign Profile
On March 17, 2021, a new option in the menu list has been embedded for users having administrator role in GMO Sign i.e., ‘Admin Panel’. Different controls are provided to administrators to standardize the signing workflow in their premises. Currently, there are 2 features (Time Zone and Sign Options) rendered in this panel and we promise you to come with more in future.