This bulk feature is available for administrators. Admins of multiuser accounts can add bulk users and update users account simultaneously. Initially, this process demands a CSV file in pre-defined format and for this, read the instructions given in CSV file specifications section.
CSV File Specifications
Download the CSV file by clicking on Users >> Download CSV.
Note – Up to 200 users can be added in a single CSV file. In case of more users’ update, split them into several CSV files. |
Enter following values for each user in a row to create, edit, or delete user’s account in GMO Sign solution:
- Operation (Required) – Mention anyone of the three following options:
- NEW – Use this for adding new users.
- EDIT – Enter this operation to edit details of existing users.
- DELETE – Remove one or more user accounts by using this operation.
- Organizational Unit – The department name or job title of user.
- Contact Person (Required) – Name of the account holder.
- Role – The user’s role in the profile like Administrator, Signer, DocumentReader, etc. In the case of adding a new user, it is mandatory to fill this value. And for updating users’ details, you can either keep it default, or change it as per the requirement.
- E-mail address (Required) – User’s complete email id. Ensure that the user has logged out from GMO Sign account for bulk user update.
- User group – Enter the name of groups of users in which you want to add a user. This must be existing user group name for the account being updated or added.
- Auto document save – This feature is active for new users account. However, deactivate it for multiple existing users by entering No in the field. Similarly, later you can activate auto document save by mentioning YES.
The additional columns present in sample CSV file are for account verification only.
Tip: Save the file in .csv format for uploading it to GMO Sign. |
CSV to Add / Edit / Delete User (Example)
Adding New Users in Bulk
1. Generate a comma-separated value file (CSV file) with mandatory user information. Ensure that the value in Operation column should be NEW.
2. From GMO Sign Admin account, click on Users >> Upload CSV >> Select CSV file.
3. Browse .csv file that you created in Step (1).
4. Click Open. The system asks to enable pop-up (if it is disabled in browser setting) for showing CSV file verification result. [Video Preview]
5. If value in Verification Result column is OK, click Cancel. Otherwise, correct the rows of CSV files, which are showing errors.
6. Click on Submit to enter into the last stage of adding bulk users.
7. Registration of new members gets successfully completed when Updated message pop-up.
New Users will automatically receive a Welcome to GMO Sign email with a temporary password to login to GMO Sign. After logging in, each User will be asked to set a permanent password. If the User needs to digitally sign documents, they must set up a PIN Code.
Update Multiple Users
This action permits administrators to update details of several existing user accounts. They can update users who have Active account in GMO Sign. A CSV file can contain both existing and new users but, when you perform bulk users update, any person who does not have GMO Sign account will be skipped and not added. It means that as an administrator, you must add user before updating.
Note – Administrators cannot modify the user’s email id for existing GMO Sign account. |
Steps to Update Multiple Users via Bulk Operation
1. Create a CSV as per the guidelines mentioned in file specification section. Ensure that the value in Operation column should be EDIT.
2. From GMO Sign Admin account, click on Users >> Upload CSV >> Select CSV file.
3. Browse .csv file that you had created in Step (1).
4. Click Open. The system asks to enable pop-up (if it is disabled in browser setting) for showing CSV file verification result.
5. If value in Verification Result column is OK, click Close. Otherwise, correct the rows of CSV files, which are showing errors.
6. At last, click on Submit to enter into the final stage of updating bulk users.
Additional Tip – In case you want to delete bulk users, enter DELETE in Operation column of CSV file. Further the steps will be same for uploading CSV on GMO Sign Users page. |