GMO Sign users with Administrators, Administrator+Signer, DocumentManager, and DocumentManager+Signer can download the Excel file of document transactions on their PC. It enables users to work in offline mode and track completed / uncompleted status of each transaction in CSV file supporting applications.
The platform offers two ways of achieving this file :
Download CSV from Portal to Local PC
(1) Login to GMO Sign account and go to Documents section.
(2) Expand the menu of Options and then, select Download CSV option.
(3) Finally, the Excel file in .csv format gets downloaded on your PC and you can view it for evaluation. [Video Preview]
Email CSV File on Registered Email Address
(1) Login to GMO Sign account and go to Documents section.
(2) Expand the menu of Options and then, select Send mail CSV option.
(3) Now, the Excel file would be received on email address, which is initiating this procedure in GMO Sign. [Video Preview]
(4) Open the email and click on the link mentioned in the mail content. Please Note - this link would be valid only for once. [Video Preview]
(5) A ZIP file gets downloaded where you would get target CSV file upon extraction.