This feature in newer version of GMO Sign enables verification and downloading of all documents, which are completely signed in a workflow. It provides a copy of Excel file having time being captured at the time of applying signatures on the document.
In the older edition, users have to define a date range to execute bulk timestamp verification. But, in GMO Sign 2.0 - customers simply have to select the target document(s) via multiple approaches. It can be checking the checkboxes, using Advance Search option of documents, etc.
Steps to be Followed
(1) Go to the Documents page of your account.
(2) (Optional) You can use Advance Search feature of Documents section to filter out the unwanted documents during the selection procedure for bulk timestamp.
(3) Expand the Menu drop-down and then, click on Timestamp validation.
(4) Choose the document(s) whose timestamp needs to recorded and then, click on Batch Verification of timestamps.
(5) A dialog box displays to notify that the respective CSV file would be sent at your registered email address. This CSV file might consume sometime in arrival, depending upon the number of documents to be processed. [Video Preview]
(6) After a while, you would be receiving an email from GMO Sign with Subject "Result for Bulk Verification of Timestamp". Download the attached ZIP file from email and then you can view your CSV file.
Please Note - The link attached in email would be valid only for once.